Are You Missing Out by Not Developing Your Best Performers?
12 Sept, 20182 MinutesIt’s a common misconception in business that new hires are the only way to widen the skill b...
It’s a common misconception in business that new hires are the only way to widen the skill base of your sales workforce, in our opinion this couldn’t be further from the truth.
The importance of training and development in the workplace cannot be understated; as one of the global leaders in sales training we have seen first-hand the positive effect that a tailored and personal training package can have on the workforce.
A research project commissioned by the Middlesex University for Work Based Learning found that from a sample size of 4,300, 74% felt that they weren’t achieving their full potential at work due to a lack of development opportunities. This highlights the desire from employees to drive forward and truly make the most of their opportunities.
A key point of our bespoke sales training is how it allows you to target a workforce’s specific weaknesses.
By targeting these areas in which you’re underperforming and ironing out its you will be able to create a greater equilibrium in the office, giving staff who perhaps feel less valued a fresh impetus to make their mark and forcing competence across the board.
The psychological effect of an employer actively trying to improve his workforce through training rather than hiring is invaluable, with employees perceiving the training as an act of faith rather than a slight on their capabilities.
Sales training is not solely for those employees on the lower-performing side of the spectrum; it is important to push your highest performers to take their development to the uppermost industry standards. This promotes a positive workplace atmosphere in which development and progression play a pivotal role.
Pareto’s four step process of; Audit, Attain, Accredit, Align, ensures that all Pareto trained delegates hold themselves to the highest of professional sales standards.
“Putting theory into practice with great professionalism” - A Pareto trained delegate from a Sales Fundamentals course.
If you're interested in seeing how Pareto can help you with training, click here.
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